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Special Educational Needs

Our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator is Rebecca Joynes.

You can contact her via the school office on: 01527 543187 or email: [email protected]

Inclusion is core to all that we do here at The Vaynor. It is through the identification and meeting of a wide variety of individual needs that we help children make good progress. Parents are the first key to this as they have valued insights into their children and we welcome an ongoing dialogue with all parents so that together we can make a difference. The second key is close assessment and use of data in school to identify strengths and areas for improvement by ensuring we have stringent systems to monitor the progress pupils make and set challenging targets for them.

At The Vaynor First School we are committed to providing high quality provision and support for pupils who have special educational needs of any kind.  This may include children who have physical, emotional, behavioural or learning difficulties.Info panel picture

Our Special Educational Needs Policy follows the Government's 'Code of Practice'.  Pupils are continually assessed as part of normal classroom practice and when additional support is required a referral is made to Rebecca Joynes, the school's Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator [SENCo].  Pupils then work to an 'Individual Provision Map', which is designed to support them in making progress which is written with input from staff, additional outside agencies, the pupils themselves and parents. Parental involvement is essential and parents are consulted and informed about what is happening at every stage.

Independent advice regarding SEND can be found at SENDIASS:

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